A warm welcome

Let's talk about Sound

The world is sound and we resonate with it

Andreas Drewling's personal website


Since 1978 I have been working professionally with music. As a sound engineer, studio operator, programmer, producer and guitarist. In the mid-80s, the sound for cinema/feature films and advertising was added. The markets are always in motion, and not just technically. The change from analog to digital has changed structures, created new job descriptions and abolished old ones. Get to know me a little better here. Do you have any ideas? I look forward to exciting discussions about the future of the scene.

In this sense, Love & Peace


Some of my favorite Tracks
Let's be friends...

Lust auf Austausch? Melde Dich gern.
Ich finde es spannend, über die Zukunft zu sinnieren…

Email: andreas@drewling.de

Tel: ++49 172 411 59 49

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